2016 Data and Infographic

Earlier this month, the U.S. Census Bureau released the latest poverty data estimates which include the most detailed and reliable projections for Coles County.

Based on the estimates, from 2015 to 2016, the percent of the population living in poverty has decreased from 22.9% to 22.3%.  However, at the family level, poverty has increased by 0.2 percentage points from 13.7% to 13.9%; for families with children, the percent living in poverty is unchanged.

Therefore, at the individual level, poverty has decreased, but for families, there is still cause for concern.

Looking at food insecurity, the percent of the population at risk has decreased for individuals, families, and families with children.  Yet,these decreases are minimal as over 40% of individuals and nearly 45% of families with children live daily with the risk that they may be one health issue, transportation issue, or other life matter away from not having enough food for a nutritionally adequate diet.
